Sunday, July 17, 2011

haha after reading my last post I'm already regreting this blog but oh well
at the moment i feel like my life has taken a turn for the best i've started my acting course, getting my license tomorrow hopefully and a job is the next thing on the menu :P

Sunday, April 24, 2011

silently freaking out!

Today is ANZAC Day, the weather is dull and sleepy but apart from that not to bad
The Grandparents are over and we are having a lovely time chilling watching "De Lovely"
i have about four or five days to finish 7 assesments or this course is failed so kind of freaking out, i'm scared to tell Mum cos i know she'll spent more time yelling at me insted of helping me but that's just how it is :P

I wrote a song today, i'm looking for a sound that crosses Ways and means by Snow Patrol and Beleriand by The Middle East, todays song wasnt at all like either of these but it still sounds ok
i'll have to check it through with tomo and see what he says

also this Friday me and Tomo are recording a film clip and live recording of our song Beautiful picture, i may post this later when it's finished, oh and i'm playing ukulele in the clip :D

Thursday, April 7, 2011

NEW BLOG!!!!!!!!!!

hehe i finally did it :D and i promiss you no emo stuff here... well maybe a little but mostly shiny, brilliant things that have happened will be expressed here!
haha i know the title is like "what the" but it's teporary, the story behind it goes: me and Halen where trying to remember the lyrics to phoebe's song from friends, the one she wrote herself and we where like "it's about a cat" "yeah and it's smelly..." and Halen comes up with; "smelly cat, smelly cat, why are they eating you-no thats not right" but yeah in jokes you had to be there
anyway teporary name. Oh and i apologies for my terrible spelling and grammar, half of you will be banging your heads in frustration at the amazingy bad typing you are going to see so this is my official apology.
Well welcome to my new blog :) hopefully i can fill you in on my life a bit, flex my ego, and open your eyes in ways... i'm not sure where i'm going with that line but i'll let you decide :)

oh and any advice as to where i could find a new template and how to work this thing would be much appreciated!

(the blog was called "take that smelly cat" :P)